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Our Minister of Music, Becky Esbin, creates an environment where all in attendance can make a joyful noise to the Lord. Whether you have the voice of an angel or couldn't carry a tune if it were strapped to you, God appreciates your praise. Music at Ashland Church is excellent and diverse. On any given Sunday you may experience a choir, praise team, bell choir, orchestra, or children's choir.

Music at Ashland

Ashland Church takes pride in the quality of our music program. Our worship teams invite those in attendance to join with them in lifting praise to our Heavenly Father through music. By combining the contemporary praise songs popular on Christian radio today with both modern and classical interpretations of the hymns so many grew up with, everyone will feel at home.

Praise Team

Every week worship is lead by our Praise Team, consisting of skilled vocalists accompanied by talented musicians. They lead the congregation in communal worship through song. Primarily leading contemporary worship choruses, traditional hymns and standards of the church are sung as well. Those in attendance are encouraged to sing along as the words are projected on a screen with images and videos designed to enhance the worship experience.


Once a month Ashland is led in worship by skilled instrumentalists in the Ashland Church Orchestra. This group of volunteer musicians from the church and community brings a vibrancy and richness to our time of worship not seen in many churches today.

Handbell Choir

Our five octave handbell choir brings music to life in a beautiful and different way. This intergenerational group performs once a month in worship, for special occasions, and at charity events.

Children's Choir

Performing periodically throughout the year, this choir of young worshipers brings a special joy and exuberance to our worship experience. Made up of children in kindergarten through fifth grade, these children remind us what it means to have a "childlike faith" and how to be uninhibited in our praise!

Want to know where to park or how to dress? We've got you covered with tips for your visit.

A blend of drama and humor, our Bible-based sermons apply to your every day life.

With a choir and a full worship band you'll be able to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

Ministries for all ages means Ashland is a place where your family can grow and feel safe.

See when our Sunday service starts and where we're located.

© 2025 by Ashland Church  |  Sunday Worship 10:00am  |  2350 Starr Ave Oregon, OH 43616  |  419.720.1995

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